Managed to make it work with two modifications:

<$list variable="parent" filter="[all[current]tags[]!limit[1]]">
   <$list filter="[title<parent>tagging[]before<currentTiddler>sort[list]]">
      prev: <$link><<toc-caption>></$link>
   <$list filter="[title<parent>tagging[]after<currentTiddler>sort[list]]">
      next: <$link><<toc-caption>></$link>

For some reason limit[1] yields the last tiddler not the first and my toc 
is sorted by list field

I don't understand what `variable` list widget parameter is generally doing 
(or specifically here either...). Does it just declare a variable and puts 
filter result into it? Do you just separate and abstract the common filter 
part with it or is it for something else? I have two tags on a tiddler I 
call it from. When I transclude it within the list it yields the resulting 
tag, but when I remove the !limit[1] part it regenerates both inner lists 
for each of two resulting tags. Wierd. Does it work as an iterator of sorts?

Not exactly what I had in mind as this requires the thing to be present on 
every entry rather than on the toc tiddler. But I'll try to adapt your 
solution to that as well and post here what I manage.

On Thursday, August 3, 2017 at 11:00:13 PM UTC+3, Eric Shulman wrote:
> On Thursday, August 3, 2017 at 10:43:51 AM UTC-7, Vayu Asura wrote:
>> ...
> next[] and previous[] operators... require hard-coded list field to work 
>> properly
>> ...
>> If there is a more reasonable way to do it esp without hard-coded lists, 
>> I'm very open to suggestions. 
> before[] and after[] filters work like previous[] and next[] but use the 
> current filter result instead of a hard-coded list.
> Perhaps something like this will fit your needs:
> <$list variable="parent" filter="[all[current]tags[]limit[1]]">
>    <$list filter="[title<parent>tagging[]before<currentTiddler>]">
>       prev: <$link><<toc-caption>></$link>
>    </$list>
>    <$list filter="[title<parent>tagging[]after<currentTiddler>]">
>       next: <$link><<toc-caption>></$link>
>    </$list>
> </$list>
> Notes:
> * the outer <$list> assumes that the first tag on the current tiddler is 
> the "parent" (a common usage for the <<toc>> macro)
> * the inner <$list> uses the tagging[] filter to get the siblings from the 
> parent, followed by the before[] or after[] filter to find the 
> previous/next sibling of the current tiddler
> let me know how it goes...
> enjoy,
> -e
> Eric Shulman
> "Small Tools for Big Ideas" (tm)
> InsideTiddlyWiki: The Missing Manuals

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