Hi Birthe,

you gave me an idea :-)

Since a few years I make my body hygiene products and my cleaning supplies 
by myself to avoid palm oil.
It was a hard work to find recipes, that are simple, absolutely without 
palm oil and with a good result. To have products, that are comparable with 
products to buy.

Because of this long work and because I'd like to tell more people, how 
easy & cheap the manufacturing is and why it is important for the world- I 
have been looking how to publish in the web. My only found solution was on 
my google+-site. I don't like google and googlemail- but I have to have it, 
because of having android devices.
For other solutions I always had to publish my address too or/and had to 
pay for. But I absolutely don't want to publish my adress anywhere in the 

But maybe with a wiki on tiddlyspot, such a website would be possible....
I would then like to build a wiki which is on the one side a german manual 
for my features / solutions for the wiki itself, like "how to build a 
tasklist like mine" and so on.
And on the other side it would be a site for the diy-recipes.

But my thoughts about that:

   - As a beginner of tiddlywiki you need a lot of help. There is no ONE 
   address to get help for EVERYTHING related to tiddlywiki. There are 
   hundreds of addresses. And in these hundreds of addresses you find a lot of 
   the same answers / solutions and a lot of different.
      - If I make such a manual of my solutions, it is just another 
      help-address in addition to the other hundreds....
And going to tiddlyspot and surfing there around:
   - A lot of links there don't work- e.g. mentioned wikis there
   - For my recipes and also for the manuals I would write there I would 
   like to have 2 features:
      - a feature to comment tiddlers for people reading that
         - it is mentioned on tiddlyspot, that this is possible with the 
         HaloscanMacro. But going to Download HaloscanMacro I get "The resource 
         are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is 
         unavailable." .........
      - a feature to test solutions directly on that wiki. I find that very 
      useful- I use it a lot to understand, what a solutions does, how it does 
      that and if it could be useful for me
         - I couldn't find, how it would be possible to implement such a 
Nice day for you, Surya

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