*Announcement: Tiddler Commander Plugin*
*Date: July 31, 2019*
*Release: 1.2.2 stable*

Requirements: TW 5.1.19+ (5.1.20pre is recommended)

This is a minor release. bug fixed!

What is Tiddler Commander?

Tiddler Commander, in short *Commander* is a unique tool for batch 
operations on tiddlers. Commander has the below features

   - Bulk tiddler creation/deletion
   - Title operation: add, remove prefixes and suffixes, also remove cahras 
   form begining and end of title
   - Tag operation: add, remove, replace
   - Field operation: add, remove, set field value
   - *SNR*, search and replace in all fields including text, tags, title, 
   and common fields
   - *Inspect*, to review and inspect tiddlers in one place, scroll among 
   them and edit all fields (including common fields), tags, text (title is an 
   - Log, create logs of all operations
   - Search, *save and load* any combination of filter search

1.2.2 – issues fixed

31st July 2019
   - [FIXED] the tag operation issue has beed fixed
   - [FIXED] filters for replace tag, add-remove tag have been updated. 
   Instead of [<__oldTag__>tagging]] the new tag<__oldTag__> has been used. 
   Seems there is bugs with old filter.

Project code and demo

   - GitHub demo page <https://github.com/kookma/TW-Commander> *(does not 
   - Tiddlyspot demo page <http://commander.tiddlyspot.com/>
   - GitHub code page <https://github.com/kookma/TW-Commander>

Tiddler Commander at Tiddlywiki Google forum
   - Initial announcement 
   - Beta releases 
   - Release candidate 

Best wishes

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