
I am just bumping this thread. I will be working tomorrow on this, in 14+ 

*I have one tiddlywiki specific question arising.*
We can use style="width: 100%;" to display content across the full width of 
a tiddler. But as you know tiddlers can be an indefinite length. I imagine 
if we wanted to limit this length by using scrollable sections we may want  
to set a vertical size of some sort. Of course 100% is not relevant but has 
anyone given some thought to what would be an appropriate way to determine 
a suitable height of a tiddler in which the content was scrollable?.

*My research so far on print*
A lot of people suggest tables are not appropriate in page handling but all 
my data is already in tables. CSS and or w3.css seems to have all I need to 
do this but I need to have a broad understanding before I can use it to 
retrofit lengthless tiddlywiki tables. Although I do prefer to construct my 
tables with html. It also looks like its easy to generate a footer at the 
bottom of the page and decide which content can or can not break across 

The below basic example works on

I want to have a number of tables, print on a number of pages and with 
reoccuring heading for each page the same table appears on.

So It seems I need the following

   - The various sections that define each page, perhaps with a first and 
   subsequent pages, and possibly odd and even pages (Left and Right)
   - Then a way to define tables within the page that overflow to the next 
   page with internal heading and footers.

I am trying to find a basic code snipit I can use to do this but only find 
part of it in any given place. *So If anyone has a good reference please 

@page {
    size: A4 landscape;
    table { page-break-inside:auto }
    div   { page-break-inside:avoid; } /* This is the key */
    thead { display:table-header-group }
    tfoot { display:table-footer-group }

            <td><div><$transclude tiddler="A Gentle Guide to TiddlyWiki" 
            <td><div><$transclude tiddler="Some of the things you can do 
with TiddlyWiki"  mode="block"/></div></td>
            <td><div><$transclude tiddler="A Gentle Guide to TiddlyWiki" 
            <td><div><$transclude tiddler="Some of the things you can do 
with TiddlyWiki"  mode="block"/></div></td>
            <td><div><$transclude tiddler="A Gentle Guide to TiddlyWiki" 
            <td><div><$transclude tiddler="Some of the things you can do 
with TiddlyWiki"  mode="block"/></div></td>
            <td><div><$transclude tiddler="A Gentle Guide to TiddlyWiki" 
            <td><div><$transclude tiddler="Some of the things you can do 
with TiddlyWiki"  mode="block"/></div></td>
            <td><div><$transclude tiddler="A Gentle Guide to TiddlyWiki" 
            <td><div><$transclude tiddler="Some of the things you can do 
with TiddlyWiki"  mode="block"/></div></td>
            <td><div><$transclude tiddler="A Gentle Guide to TiddlyWiki" 
            <td><div><$transclude tiddler="Some of the things you can do 
with TiddlyWiki"  mode="block"/></div></td>
            <td><div><$transclude tiddler="A Gentle Guide to TiddlyWiki" 
            <td><div><$transclude tiddler="Some of the things you can do 
with TiddlyWiki"  mode="block"/></div></td>
            <td><div><$transclude tiddler="A Gentle Guide to TiddlyWiki" 
            <td><div><$transclude tiddler="Some of the things you can do 
with TiddlyWiki"  mode="block"/></div></td>
            <td><div><$transclude tiddler="A Gentle Guide to TiddlyWiki" 
            <td><div><$transclude tiddler="Some of the things you can do 
with TiddlyWiki"  mode="block"/></div></td>
        <!-- 500 more rows -->



On Friday, August 2, 2019 at 10:54:42 PM UTC+10, TonyM wrote:
> Eveyone
> This sounds great because I think tiddlywiki would be ideal for both use 
> as a smart document but also a document generator from web sites to pages 
> and to print. Making it seemless would be nice.
> I have a real world case I am working on so I can establish the key 
> requirements. I think the most important is to handle the page layouts and 
> the transition to print. The same is true for in browser lists and 
> tiddlywiki is good at lists. We need to take control of the bottom of our 
> lists which are prone to running long on the screen when keeping them in a 
> tiddler, and one visible screen with scroll is often better.
> An interesting observation I made recently for those who understand 
> document management systems is tiddly wiki smart documents could operate as 
> independant documents that have the document management system, standards, 
> tools etc. . built in. Move the server management side into the documents 
> themselves. It allows independence of your data while complying with 
> standards to support collaboration and effective document management.
> Tony

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