> Now that the base problem is solved... Is there some way to make the title 
> of the browser tab reflect the name of the currently open tiddler?

E.g. instead of "My Work Wiki" I want the title to be either 
> "MyCurrentTiddler" or "MyCurrentTiddler - My Work Wiki".

If you're speaking of the web browser tab...

I don't know how the wiki's html rile fitle title tag is constructed, but 
its constructed of the site (wiki right side) title and subtitle

thjis from the single file TW main file

<link id="faviconLink" rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico">
<title>WikiWitchery — vers 13.℧☘♠☠ The Skunkworks ☠</title>
<!--~~ This is a Tiddlywiki file. The points of interest in the file are 
marked with this pattern ~~--><!--~~ Raw markup ~~-->

and thats what displays in the browser tab and its dynamically (realtime) 
constructed-- as you edit the title or subtitle the browser tab text 
changes with the edit, so once you find what controls it, you might be able 
to change it to work with tiddler tilte in story river filter (or something 

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