Great job BTC,
 As you know we had saved stories from Tobias Beer where you could open and
close a set of tiddlers!

Yours is a much more flexible solution and it can also be used to create
trails for tutorials and manuals and like that!

Be able to add colors, icons, descriptions is great!

The open button is confusing because when a notebook is opened still you
see the open button there! May be you need to change it to close or hide it

Best wishes

On Tue, Sep 10, 2019 at 6:48 PM BurningTreeC <>

> Hi dear Tiddly Community,
> I'm currently shamelessly stealing the styles from TiddlyDesktop to create
> a NoteBooks plugin, a plugin for sub-notebooks within a single tiddlywiki
> ...
> ... and I'm hoping for some ideas
> There's a link for who's interested:
> Basically, the tab in the sidebar is for switching / editing notebooks.
> Once a notebook is selected, new tiddlers are automatically tagged with its
> title
> I hope someone's interested to play around with it and can provide me some
> inspiration :P
> best wishes
> btc
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