coda coder wrote 

> ... innocent sloppy spaces which will "break" the flow. HTML deals with 
> sloppy spaces itself - something that's been around for what... >25 years? 
> This idea breaks that.

Have you ever heard of *DARING FIREBALL Markdown*? 

Because I'm following the official Markdown syntax reference page 
<> from the creator of the 
markdown language: John Gruber (DARING FIREBALL). According to this Wikipedia 
Markdown page <> it was first 
specified with version 1.0.1 in 2004.
The detail that interests us here can be found under `Syntax`, `Block 
Elements`, `Paragraphs and Line Breaks` in the 3rd paragraph,  see the 
following excerpt - especially my cursor: 

[image: 28-09-_2019_17-25-16.png]

And in HTML there is a tag to preserve white spaces: <pre> ... </pre>

<pre>Text in a pre element
is displayed in a fixed-width
font, and it preserves
both      spaces and
line breaks</pre>
( <>)

coda coder wrote

>  Reasoning: When copy-pasting external text, now I have to police the text 
> at the character level to watch for

*Which objects do you use in Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5 for your policing? *

I'm trying to find the location in TiddlyWiki where the white spaces 
characters are removed from the <pre> tag. This happens before parsing. I 
found this while debugging so far: `$tw.Wiki.prototype.deserializeTiddlers`.

But even here one space is missing. But this space is definitely present in 
the html file and also in the tiddler in edit mode. 

Can you help me out here too? 


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