TonyM said:

> Such Tagging facilities should include
> NewHearPlugin features allowing a quick hierarchy to be created
> Toggling tags including lists with toggle check boxes.
> Cycling Tags through a set -eg;  Set next, unset last
> Conditional toggling - eg; if tagged tag1 then - untage tag1 then add tag2
> and tag 3
> Set manipulation through tags - eg; Join all items tagged tag1 with all
> items tagged tag2 and tag them with Tag3

That's quite a list, and whilst I agree tagging is central, there's a
risk that adding many such features fight against what would be my
demand, that TiddlyWiki is as small as possible.

Putting too many features in the core makes developing TiddlyWiki5
harder to scale amongst other open source developers than a
micro-kernel core with as much as sensible pushed out into optional

So I'd want to have all such features available, but as plugins,
and keep the core as small as possible to avoid the risk of big box
with flat batteries included which characterises many platforms,
such as the original jQueryUI library.

What will help developers are stronger constraints on what may be
safely extended, and places to converge, coordinate and agree on
names and methods crossing between plugins, so that for example,
my geotagging plugin works with someone else's maps plugin.
I can see this is starting to happen in TW5, with more functions
protecting features using closures, and exposing in a uniform way,
using jQuery like function chaining.

With the smallest core possible approach, there's nothing to prevent people
building *up* their own bundled distributions, so indeed a super-tagging
TiddlyWiki5 could be  offered alongside other vertical editions, as indeed
with the current TiddlyWiki except many editions currently end up having
build *down* by masking superfluous core features.

Finally, what might help users build their own editions is if the process of
finding good quality plugins was more streamlined. I hesitate to say
"core" or "standard" plugins, or even "app store" but a simple and reliable
way of discovering and including high quality extensions will help keep
the mico-kernel core as small as possible and yet allow TiddlyWiki5 to
become as rich and feature complete as people would like.

Paul (psd)

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