On Fri, 25 Jun 2010, Måns wrote:

I think it would be very/more practical if the UI presented a public
and private tiddler as only ONE tiddler with two modes (same title:
red if not published yet, blue if private & public) - then you'd need
a published/private switchmode-button to be able to present *and edit*
published version, still logged in as administrator/spaceowner...  I'm
sure it's *not* a trivial task to create an UI with these (or similar)
capabilities :-)

One of the challenges is that it is quite hard in standard
TiddlyWiki to have two different tiddlers with the same title, as
the title is the id for accessing the entity. It is probably
possible to fudge it with some manipulations, hooks, etc.

Dealing with public/private is one of two major design kerfuffles
going on at the moment. The other is implementing "following" which
is a way of keeping track of other people's stuff and sharing
awareness. "Major" meaning: people are thinking and experimenting

Your input is very useful. Thank you.

However TiddlyWebWizards seem to be so dead brilliant/
creative and I would not be surprised if TiddlySpace turns out to be
*the* system for serving cooporate intrasystems - with complete
freedom to customize every aspect of the UI - and *thats* dead

That would be good to see: The tiddly* ways infecting many corporate
intranets would be a very big win.

It is now possible to import a TiddlyWiki stored on your local disk by
choosing the 'import' tab in the 'space' dropdown of the backstage
(visible when you are a member of a space).
I'd love some "fallback" or "chameleonlike" semifunctions for
tiddlyspaceplugins, when you use your tiddlyspace as a single file -
downloaded to your pc... At the moment tiddlyspaceTWs only work
correctly when loaded in the tiddlyspaceevironment.

Yeah, this is a bug and will be fixed eventually. Getting the
correct online behavior dependent on membership in a space has
resulted in a bit of a rats nest of code that now needs to be
untangled to get things happy for offline again.

I've made a ticket with some notes about it:


All this said - I must say that TiddlyWeb/Space devellopment is *very
very* exciting to follow - and I'm (among hundreds/thousands?) very
gratefull that you want to share your prototypes - please consider
everything I've written as a positive (inspirated) feedback - and
*not* as negative critizism. I know you are on your way towards still
unchartered horizons - this is just my 2 cents - for what they are

Thanks. Greatly appreciate the feedback. Feedback is what keep
things going, so thank you very much.

Chris Dent                      http://burningchrome.com/~cdent/

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