On Tuesday, May 30, 2017 at 9:59:29 AM UTC+2, Luis Gonzalez wrote:
> I understand some things:
>    - node.js is the key concept.
> node.js is only needed, to build the SPA (Single Page App) eg: empty.html 
with a command line utility that is named "tiddlywiki" 

node.js is not needed if you start empty.html in the browser.  ... The file 
is "self contained" no other dependencies. 

tiddlywiki CLI (command line tool) has an option to start a server. eg: 
tiddlywiki mywiki --server. Where mywiki is the name of an edition. If a tw 
server is started that way, nodejs is needed. 

>    - It has two ways: installing node.js and as a standalone html page.
> see above. node.js is not needed if you want to run tw in the browser. 

>    - It runs in all new browsers with:
>       - html5
>       - javascript
>       - more needs?

> and: 
> When a browser loads a page:
>    - It loads the html file.
>    - It parse it and generates the DOM.
>    - It runs the scripts
>    - It loads the css styles
>  That's basically the basic process every html page uses. ... But the main 
work is done in boot.js. That's where the real magic happens. boot.js 
"extracts" the core plugin, which contains all the other javascript 
modules, UI templates and base CSS. .... That's the initial delay, that you 
see, when you start the page. 

> But if TW needs node.js to run, where is node.js in Firefox and Mac-Safari?
no nodejs needed as written above

> I read the html file with notepad.exe and I found the bootprefix.js and 
> boot.js, but no more elements.

Yes. These are the main startup routines. .. Understanding them is "kind of 
a challenge" :)

> I have many questions:
>    - What elements node.js put in the single html tw?
> none

>    - Is posible to change the core english language tiddlers with other 
>    languages to generate a "native non-english" tiddlywikis?
> There are 21 language plugins. If you download empty.html and open the 
ControlPanel: Plugins:  ... click: "Get more plugins" button ... a modal 
will open with an: "open plugin library" button ... click it and select the 
"language" tab, to see the languages, you want to import.  

>    - Is posible to generate the wiki with less elements?
> Yes. This would be called a new "theme". Creating a new "base - theme" 
from scratch will need a lot of internal knowledge, but it is possible.

>    - What elements are "dispensables" and what functionalities would be 
>    suppresed?
>  You can remove everything, but it wouldn't be very useful. 

>    - Could we make a timeline of the TW load in a browser?
> I don't understand this question. 

hope that helps

have fun!

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