Jed et al

Thanks for your critical analysis.

I do not disagree with you in any substantial way. If, as we do today, 
alternating the save mechanisium over different platforms, I believe it can be 
done, and in fact I belive this idea in part stems from inspiration from bob. 
Bob offers an even tighter solution allowing shared tiddlers without a wiki 
owning tiddlers. A network of wikis on top of node or bob offers a very 
powerful solution to share and federate, yet I like you, value maintaining the 
single file model indefinatly. 

It seems to me permitting node, bob and nodejs to also manage the sharing of 
tiddlers as in my suggested model, effectivly at a logicaly higher level of 
abstraction, where tiddlers are owned, can be stored elsewhere, but whos 
ownership can be relinquished to another wiki and/or backend, as bob would do 
very well, would allow even more loosly coupled networks of wikis. As I pointed 
out one wiki can relinquish ownership to another which may transform it and 
return ownership to the first. In this model there should be no contention at 

Critical also is this interwiki connection can have security or encryption 
applied at the connection not per tiddler, because the ownership model will 
handle that.

The abstraction that any wiki can be the front end and backend (a single file 
wiki) or have multiple back ends (tiddler stores) or conversly be a front end 
to multiple tiddler stores, which node and bob can already excel at, is in some 
ways at a higher logical level above the concerns you express.

There is little doubt such a solution would demand some accomodation in the 
core, but this need only be the facility and the specific details can remain in 
a combination of savers, optional key plugins or other (external) server 
components such as node, couch and pouch currently do. What is needed is 
tiddlywiki to recognise ownership of its own tiddlers where ever they reside, 
and respect tiddlers it does not own (as read only).

The conseptual leap that tiddlywiki has already taken to be a form of quine 
where its user interface is totaly tweekable would be extended into its very 
storage mechanisiums itself. Thus we can say a tiddlywiki can be front and back 
end and any combination there of.

One mechanisium I belive we do not yet have is the ability to include a single 
tiddler in one tiddlywiki found in another tiddlywiki without it existing in 
the same node network. Bobs messaging could facilitate this but we also want 
such tiddlers to be available at any url, file or in an addressable wiki found 

These ideas come from expierience as a cross diciplinary solutions designer, 
whilst my skill set is wide, and deep in many places it depends on a team or 
community behind it. It needs others, specialists, experts and diverse inputs. 
I recognise our community or team is wider and deeper than any individual can 
ever be. It is this I dream of engaging, and it can only evolve from 

I hope this makes the ideas I am trying to express clearer, and utlimately 
propel tiddlywiki into the stratosphere, where it is already headed whilst 
maintaining its place in the two worlds of developers and users. Few users will 
understand database models, transactions or contention but they could 
understand how tiddlers can be owned and shared.

I love tiddlywikis current capabilities but also its potentials.


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