Never mind.  I figured out the procedure for generating .lib files.
I've tested the patch, and it works great, so I checked it into 1.1 and
documented the procedure necessary to build with Visual C++.

Windows is still suffering from the TLS refresh issue described earlier.
 It affects VirtualGL as well (you have to move the mouse to see the 3D
application change frames.)  I don't have the time to look into this at
the moment, but IMHO, it should be fixed before we release 1.1 beta.

I am looking at the vncserver script modifications submitted by
Sebastiaan.  Once that and the refresh issue are addressed, I will spin
a new build.

On 3/8/11 7:58 AM, Adam Tkac wrote:
> Hello,
> I just finished little patch for Windows installer. With this patch it
> is possible to create .exe installer for TigerVNC stuff built with
> VC++ with GNUTLS support. Both winvnc and vncviewer can take advantage
> of TLS encryption.
> What is your opinion about the patch? Is it ok for 1.1?
> Installer built with the patch is located on
> Regards, Adam
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