The trunk is quite unstable right now.  I suggest building from the 1.1

On 3/15/11 10:19 AM, Brian Hinz wrote:
> Hi,
> Can anyone confirm whether or not the "legacy" build is working from the
> current svn trunk on RHEL4?  I was able to build and use r4237
> successfully, but while I can build r4324, the resulting binary bails
> out on assertions or segfaults (depending on the arguments to Xvnc)
> without leaving too many clues as to what's causing it.  I've tried
> using strace, ltrace, and gdb to generate some debug info but so far the
> only helpful info that I have is that the last message displayed by Xvnc
> is the "client pixel format ..." message generated by VNCSConnST:
> Xvnc :2 -query localhost -once -SecurityTypes None -NeverShared -rfbport
> 5902 -geometry 1280x800 -depth 24 -pixdepths 8 24
>   ...
>   VNCSConnST: Client pixel format depth 24 (32bpp) little-endian rgb888
> Segmentation fault
> Xvnc :2 -query localhost -once -SecurityTypes None -NeverShared -rfbport
> 5902 -geometry 1280x800 -depth 8
>   ...
>   VNCSConnST: Client pixel format depth 8 (8bpp) color-map
> *** glibc detected *** free(): invalid next size (normal):
> 0x0000000000ac0f80 ***
> Abort
> It's possible that this is due to system changes on the build host, but
> the binary from r4237 still works fine (unfortunately I blew away the
> build environment...).  If anyone has done a legacy build on RHEL4u8 and
> can confirm that it works, I'd appreciate it.  FWIW, my build args are:
> setenv CC /usr/bin/gcc4
> setenv CXX /usr/bin/g++4 (actually tried it with gcc3 and gcc4, but gcc4
> most recently)
> autoreconf -fiv
> ./configure --enable-pam --enable-gnutls--with-included-zlib
> --with-libtool=/usr/bin/libtool
> sh unix/build-xorg init -version 7.4 -static
> sh unix/build-xorg build -version 7.4 -static --enable-pam
> --enable-gnutls --with-included-zlib --with-libtool=/usr/bin/libtool
> Thanks,
> -brian
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