Sorry to see you go.  I hated to see all the static on the list the last little while.  Had hoped it had all calmed back down.  I understand that sometimes it does not work that way.  I want to thank you for all your contributions.  I know that amount of work you put into the encoder and CMake build system.  Thank you for that and working thru my bug reports. 


On 03/09/2012 07:10 PM, DRC wrote:
Hi, all.  Since I have seen the 1.2.0 code base (which contains all of
my codec optimization work) through to its release, I have decided that
this is a good time to step down as maintainer of the TigerVNC Project
and return my focus to TurboVNC.  I will continue to monitor this
mailing list and participate in discussions as I am able, but I won't be
supplying cross-compatible builds or doing any major testing or
development work beyond 1.2.0 unless specifically contracted.

I've contributed a lot of effort to TigerVNC over the past few years,
about half of which was pro bono, with the strategy being to eventually
evolve TigerVNC into something that could replace TurboVNC.  It was a
noble experiment, but over the last 6 months, I've come to realize that
the projects are fundamentally different in their approaches, and trying
to turn TigerVNC into TurboVNC 2.0 is in many ways like trying to fit a
square peg into a round hole.

Part of this is just a basic difference in development philosophy.
TurboVNC's philosophy has always been to maximize performance for
applications that need maximum performance while still retaining
adequate performance for applications that are less
performance-critical.  The TurboVNC encoder (which, at least for the
moment, shares the same basic behavior as the TigerVNC encoder) may not
provide the tightest encoding for OpenOffice, for instance, but it is
certainly tighter than most other VNC solutions, and it does provide the
tightest and fastest encoding for apps like CATIA and Google Earth and
MPlayer that really need it.  However, it seems to me that the project
goals regarding performance have been somewhat schizophrenic of late.
As soon as I was able to make the TigerVNC codec perform on parity with
the TurboVNC codec (something which was a stated goal of the project for
two years), the project shifted in favor of increasing performance for
non-performance-critical applications, thus effectively nullifying a lot
of the work I did.  We were able to compromise for 1.2, retaining a
non-default mode of operation (Compression Level 1) that provides
TurboVNC-like levels of performance and can be easily configured from
the viewer, but I had to fight tooth and nail for this.  I'm tired of
fighting.  The data is there for anyone to see and reproduce, and the
methodologies used to obtain it are easily accessible and can be applied
to other applications that are less 3D-focused, if that is the desire.
If such an analysis is performed, and the TigerVNC Project decides that
a new set of defaults are necessary to maximize performance for the apps
that TigerVNC users care about, then fantastic.  However, such decisions
need to be based on thorough, scientific analysis that takes into
account many different applications, not just one.

Further, TigerVNC is really designed to be built against a
distribution-supplied X code base.  The idea is that the distribution
vendor takes care of debugging and maintaining the X server, and since
Xvnc is built to mimic it, it should encounter minimal compatibility
problems on that platform.  Of course, as you all well know, the
disadvantages to that approach are that it requires a different build
procedure for every platform, so it's somewhat difficult for developers
to come up to speed with our server code unless they have some fairly
deep knowledge of their O/S distribution.  It is also somewhat difficult
to debug issues in the server, since they are often very
platform-specific.  Our attempt to work around this was to create a
"cross-compatible" build process that uses a known good version of, GnuTLS, gettext, etc.  However, that is not without its issues,
not the least of which is that it requires building the complete
infrastructure to all of the above, which is a very long process.
Further, since few developers build the code that way (even Cendio does
not use build-xorg, AFAIK), it puts the responsibility for debugging any
X-related or build-related issues in the cross-compatible build largely
on my shoulders.  Diagnosing issues with such a large X server
infrastructure that is built entirely out of tree is exceedingly
difficult, and fixing them even moreso (requiring generally upgrading
some of the components, which creates all new issues.)  Ultimately, if
I'm going to be in the position of maintaining my own X code base, I'd
rather maintain one that I am familiar with and which contains only the
minimal code necessary to build a VNC server.  Even though using an
in-tree X server has its drawbacks-- mainly, it is not future-proof-- it
puts me in full control over the quality of the project, something which
I never felt I could achieve with TigerVNC.

Thus, I personally think that the best way forward for this project is
for me to stop trying to make it into something it's not.  TigerVNC is a
great general-purpose distributor-maintained VNC release for Linux
servers, far exceeding TightVNC and RealVNC, but it is not a very
easily-maintained standalone cross-compatible product, and it can't
really be made into one without basically re-architecting it.  Doing
that would require either an in-project or an out-of-project fork, and
at this point, the prevailing desire within the VirtualGL community is
just to go forward with TurboVNC instead.

I wish you all the best of luck.


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