Den 2009-06-25 16:26 skrev Pierre Ossman:
> On Thu, 25 Jun 2009 15:38:09 +0200
> Peter Rosin <> wrote:
>> I don't want this, sorry. This is an incompatible change. I think we
>> need to go with the common denominator (which is ASCII), then use some
>> kind of extension mechanism that changes over to UTF-8.
> Incompatible is a term that will have to be used loosly here. There is
> no compatibility here today as everyone is doing different things, so I
> don't see this move making things any worse.
> Would you feel different about things if there was a note stating that
> ASCII should be used for maximum compatibility, but retaining the
> preference for UTF-8?
>> If Real can be coaxed into doing the switch to UTF-8 w/o using an
>> extension for their free alternative, I'll reconsider. However, I
>> think that will be hard given the amount of love they spend on that
>> part of their offering.
> I'm not sure how their version will affect anything. Given the history,
> you can never be sure that this field will display correctly when using
> anything other than ASCII.

This is exactly my point. You can't use anything but ASCII it you want
it to display as intended. And this fact will remain for a looong time.

If I have an RFB server somewhere that serves a variety of clients.
50% of the clients speak CP1252, 30% speak UTF-8 and 10% speak ISO 8859-1
and 9% speak ISO 8859-whatever.
The last percent (probably less) speak something non-ASCII-compatible,
but I don't care about those because that's just not compatible...

If I really want to serve some "international" text in that scenario,
what options do I have? Whatever I do, it will look like crap for many.
IMO, the least crappy thing to do is to transliterate to ASCII (i.e.
skåra -> skara), then if I know that the client supports UTF-8, I'll
use DesktopName and resend. Replace with whatever protocol entity you

That way it will look decent everywhere, and I will get the 100%
correct message across when possible.

On the other hand, if many just start forcing UTF-8 but not the main
player, there will always be a significant portion of clients that will
end up with crappy texts. And that will be the case whatever you do.
If you translitterate to ASCII it looks a little bit crappy everywhere.
If you force UTF-8 it looks more crappy, just not everywhere.

skåra -> skara is just way better than skåra -> skÃ¥ra IMHO.


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