On Wed, 12 Aug 2009, Peter Rosin wrote:

If we say MUST or even SHOULD, anyone encountering something
else will get the feeling that fingerpointing is prefectly
valid. It is not, and we can't change that fact since we do not
own the spec.

Yes, we own our spec.

I was referring to /the/ spec from RealVNC, not our spec. I should
probably have said that we don't own the protocol instead.

I would say that the RealVNC PDF spec is becoming increasingly less important. I haven't seen any updates except for the number allocations, which they "have" to do, as long as they claim being the VNC protocol registrar. Since they are using the PDF format, it's practically impossible to see which changes they are making. I can see that some kind of update was done today, but without doing a full manual comparision, I don't know what has been changed.

The free RealVNC version is basically not developed any further. As far as I understand, the other versions are based on another, newer VNC specification (version 4), and this protocol is not public.

If we truly owned our spec, it would be so easy to bump the protocol
version and be done with it.

I think this is an academic discussion. Even if we "owned" the protocol, we wouldn't want to raise the major protocol number just for this encoding issue. That would (also) involve some major work.

What we are trying to do here is to clean up the situation for current implementations and the current protocol; not starting to work on a Next Generation VNC.

Perhaps it's time to vote?


Do you have a better suggestion?

That's silly in matters such as these.

Not really, majority decisions are used all the times, both inside and outside the Open Source community.

Who is allowed to vote?


Why should some bystander count as much as someone who has a clue? How does a simple ay/nay indicate it someone has a clue or not?

We wouldn't care; we would just count the number of votes. Just normal democracy.

One vote for every applied patch seems about fair to me. Or
count lines (or words) of original work, but that's harder. I
think I "own" more than 50% of the "shares" by many metrics.
See how silly it gets?

No, since every vote is treated equal.

Regards, ---
Peter Åstrand           ThinLinc Chief Developer
Cendio AB               http://www.cendio.com
Wallenbergs gata 4
583 30 Linköping        Phone: +46-13-21 46 00
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