On Wed, 12 Aug 2009, Adam Tkac wrote:

If I watch this thread correctly there are two points of view:

1. one side would like to fire away all non-UTF-8 strings, which means
  the older software will become incompatible (bad)

I don't agree with this wording. I don't think that older versions would be "incompatible".

2. another side would like to use unclear specification, which means
  the problem will be never solved (bad)

In my opinion the best solution will be to create new pseudo encoding
called "UTF-8". If one side doesn't support UTF-8 strings it means
that strings will be in old format (which effectivelly means
unspecified encoding). If both sides declare that they support UTF-8
all strings will be sent in UTF-8. We should also declare that all new
software MUST send strings in ASCII if it doesn't support UTF-8 or in

This is basically what Peter Rosin has been suggesting, as I understand it.

I don't like it at all. If you try to create a patch, for both the spec and our implementation, that implements this, I think it will show that the amount of work/code/complexity required is very large and is hard to justify. Then you will also need to convince every other compatible VNC implementation out there that they should implement this new extension that we have defined, which isn't even in the /official/ protocol specification...

Regards, ---
Peter Åstrand           ThinLinc Chief Developer
Cendio AB               http://www.cendio.com
Wallenbergs gata 4
583 30 Linköping        Phone: +46-13-21 46 00
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