Brooke Clarke wrote:
Hi David:

It's so easy to feed the PRS10 a 1 PPS from GPS so I don't understand your comment "I don't have anything locked to GPS yet, but even when I do, it is not always going to be that convenient for me"

Hi Brooke,

I will not be able to get a GPS signal where the test-equipment is physically located.

The best I am likely to be able to achieve is to keep the rubidium locked to the GPS, then move the rubidium, whilst it remains powered from internal batteries.

You do not always need the utmost in accuracy, and sometimes the convenience of having a reasonably accurate internal reference is quite nice.

If it's possible to 'see' sufficient satellites from an internal antenna by a South facing window (latitude 51.5 deg N, longitude 0 deg), then it might be practical to keep the equipment locked all the time.But I don't know how practical that will be.

-- David Kirkby, G8WRB

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