Hal Murray said the following on 12/30/2005 05:20 PM:
>>Hope everyone's getting ready for the big event.
> Does anybody have code that will open a serial port and log what comes in 
> with a timestamp on each line?
> I can capture the serial data via minicom, but that doesn't have any time 
> stamps.
> I can get good timestamps from NPTs clockstats logging, but that doesn't grab 
> every line from NMEA drivers, just the ones the driver wants.

I just wrote a couple of simple programs (in perl under Linux) to tickle
the Z3801A and Spectracom; every just-under-1-second I send the command
that triggers a message, and record that to a logfile.  I hadn't planned
to log a separate timestamp, just record what comes out of the unit as
it comes out.  (I'm shutting off NTP for the duration to free up the
devices for this logging.)


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