On Sun, 6 Aug 2006 19:40:44 -0700, "Tom Van Baak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>> I don't think any of those chips has a serial port.  You would have to do 
>> (heroic) bit-banging if you needed that.
>True, although simple, robust, and free code samples
>for this are all over the web. Or as Chuck mentioned,
>serial support is included in various PIC compilers.
>One caution, though. Most high-level languages are
>not compatible with the fixed instruction loop count
>code technique used in the pic divider.

CCS C supports inline assembler with #ASM and #ENDASM directives, so it
should be possible to define the critical stuff exactly. If you needed
serial com you could use the special C functions for that.

I missed why someone would want serial com with the divider function,
though. Is there a good reason?

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