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On 13-Dec-06 at 23:16 Jason Rabel wrote:

>I tried Googling but kept hitting dead ends, so I'm hoping maybe someone
>here has a good link or maybe some old source code.
>Basically I would like to have a PC driven IRIG-B generator (doesn't have
>to be super accurate), probably via a sound card (I've seen a few Windows
>programs - none for free though). Besides being free, it would be nice if
>it ran on Linux or FreeBSD.

        Welllll.... 'Free' often means you get a substandard product.

        Might I suggest NMEATime? I use it myself. Very handy stuff. 
Windows-based, uses the sound card to generate IRIG-B on a standard 1kHz 
carrier. And is $20 really too much to spend for a product that the author 
clearly put some quality effort into?

        Happy hunting.

Bruce Lane, Owner & Head Hardware Heavy,
Blue Feather Technologies --
kyrrin (at) bluefeathertech do/t c=o=m
"If Salvador Dali had owned a computer, would it have been equipped with 
surreal ports?"

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