I would be interested in one piece too, to keep company to the one I 
already have :-)
(always have a backup...)

The starting price is OK with me, but considering it does not have the 
DC/DC converter, I would be reluctant to put more into it.

Certainly it would make sense not to go into a bidding war and negotiate 
with the seller directly if possible.

Didier KO4BB

Colin Bradley wrote:
> As previously proposed, I would be interested in a multiple purchase of a 
> Trimble Thunderbolt GPSDO now listed on eBay. This version requires +- 12vdc 
> & +5vdc. A reasonable supply for these voltages is available from MPJA for 
> $5.95.
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=014&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&viewitem=&item=330086820549&rd=1&rd=1
> http://www.mpja.com/productview.asp?product=15871+PS
> Colin

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