Hi, Enrico --

I think a lot of us already tracked down your (excellent) site based on a
couple of links to your papers that were mentioned on the list earlier.
Thanks for making that content available!  These days, it seems that half of
Google's search results on any given topic point to sites at IEEE and other
pay walls.

You're in good company -- there's a diverse mix of amateur/hobbyist types
and professional time-nutcases on this list.  I fall into the 'amateur'
category at best, but have done a bit of freeware software-development work
for direct PN measurement on various spectrum analyzer models.  The
interferometric stuff is a bit beyond my (mental) resources at the moment,
but I'm hoping to implement support for indirect/baseband measurement via PC
sound cards at some point fairly soon.  So your low-noise DC amplifier paper
from '04 is awaiting my attention.  (I was going to ask if you had any
thoughts on Charles Wenzel's similar article on noise-measurement preamp
design, but I see the link on his page at
http://www.wenzel.com/documents/measuringphasenoise.htm is now broken...)

Anyway, welcome to the list!  I'll shut up now and do some reading. :)

-- john, KE5FX

> Dear colleagues,
> I am new in this community, so I wish to introduce myself...
> -snip-

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