Luis Cupido wrote:
> Hi Bruce,
> Fine, you don't like the words "far better performance"... okay ;-)
> you do recognize the small advantage in noise but
> gave no relevance to the other aspects namely the
> lock acquisition, the fact that I can monitor the jitter over time
> etc. (all of them were contained in my word "performance"
> not just the noise).
Its not too difficult to add a couple of extra flipflops plus associated
delays to allow reasonably accurate estimation of noise if thats useful.
> you wrote,
>  > By all means try them,
> Humm?! I did tried them, that's exactly what I said !!!
> Note that I do have the hardware on a CPLD so schemes
> can be done on type-compile-and-test basis without
> soldering wires hi ;-)
A theoretical understanding the performance tradeoffs can save a lot of
time and effort.
>  > but why add the power consumption and complexity
>  > of a CPLD if it offers little improvement in performance?
> Geeee, using a CPLD does not add complexity, it is just one chip
> and it offers the commodity of being easily configured etc.
> Also the power consumption is surely not an issue, if you
> are not happy with the 50 to 100mA you may draw from 3.3v
> just use a low power CPLD (like tha maxIIZ) and get
> only 10 to 20mA.
You have to keep in mind that not everyone on this list can or wants to
program a CPLD.
> On the comments about the filter and bandwidth I do agree
> with you it would be good to have most of it digital
> (doesn't need to be necessarily on a CPU... inside the CPLD
> is the same) I do have versions with integration also
> in digital and I'm still in the process of improving it.
> I believe I may get rid off of some of the inconvenient
> analog filtering, in the next VHDL iterations hi ;-)
> One thing is puzzling me, if you suggest using a
> single D flip-flop and want it simple as you say
> I presume you have also to filter in analog ?!
Where did you get that from??
No analog filtering of the D flipflop output is required.
> So you end up with a slightly worst phase comparator
> and the less convenient analog filter :-(
Try reading up on how the radio astronomers digitise their noise like
You should also look at why a 1-2 bit ADC suffices for most GPS timing
> Or do you need to add a microcontroller and a DAC ?
> If that is the case, there goes off your complexity issue
> much higher than a simple CPLD.
I've used plenty of CPLDs but see no reason to use one when it isnt
If you want really high phase measurement resolution then the high noise
internal environment of a CPLD can add plenty of jitter and unwanted
You are unlikely to ever achieve a jitter of 10picosec or less with a
standard CPLD whereas this is readily achieved using a single flipflop
or a wideband ADC used as a phase detector.
> Luis Cupido.
> ct1dmk

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