On 12/31/08 6:06 PM, "Steve Rooke" <sar10...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 2009/1/1 Mark Sims <hol...@hotmail.com>:
>> Note that there is an error in the first column heading in Lady Heather's
>> Leap Log.  It says UTC...  should be GPS.  The three line hour timestamp
>> comment is correct (UTC).  The distributed version of the program logged only
>> time-of-week.  I added the HH:MM:SS yesterday but messed up the column header
>> (boy is Lady Heather gonna be mad when She finds out).  The random spacing is
>> due to Billy Gates Quality Control...  he still can't figure out where to put
>> CRs and LFs in an email...
> Well, POSIX decided on LF, Mac on CR and Billy Boy decided to hedge
> his bets with both LF and CR. It's little wonder I always get a lot of
> double spacing here then :-)

Hardly microsoft's fault. Blame the teletype. Or perhaps DEC.  RT-11 stored
CR/LF in files, and CP/M adopted that convention, followed by DOS, etc.
I imagine RT-11 did CR/LF because
A) it allows use of unmodified KSR/ASR 33 TTYs without having to worry if
the user has the autoLF option
B) with ink on paper, the ability to do overprints (CR w/o LF) is actually
useful. Them newfangled CRT based terminals can't do this (except for the
Tek 401x series)


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