> How do folks like to connect to this RbO ? Do they use a connector ?
> Or just solder to the pins ? If they use a Connector can you tell me
> the Make & Part Number ? 

They are standard 0.025 square pins on a 0.1 (inch) grid.  All the connector 
companies make something that will work.  (probably more than one)

Appendix A of the user guide gives part numbers and catalog pages for several 

The Digikey part number for a 2x5 Molex version is WM2522

That's just the free standing plastic shell.  It ignores the screw-posts.  (I 
assume somebody makes something that will screw in there.  I don't remember 
ever seeing one.)

You also need pins.  You can get the part numbers from the catalog page.  
Then you need a crimp tool or a friend who has one.  ...

You can probably find something that will fit ribbon cable.  With only a bit 
of kludgery, that will avoid the crimp tool.  The standard mother-board to 
DB-9 cable will probably work.

These are my opinions, not necessarily my employer's.  I hate spam.

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