I have been considering making a tray for one or two 7A13 Differential
Amplifier plug-ins from the Tek 7k series. The 7A13 has differential output,
so aside from a few supply voltages, I need a wideband diff amp and voila.
This could drive a conventional (read: limited dynamic range) DSO or
anything else as needed.

I have two such plug-ins and a donnor 7603 mainframe for the chassis, just
need some time and more motivation or need than I can muster at the


> -----Original Message-----
> From: time-nuts-boun...@febo.com 
> [mailto:time-nuts-boun...@febo.com] On Behalf Of Lux, James P (337C)
> Sent: Friday, July 24, 2009 1:04 PM
> To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
> Subject: [time-nuts] adjustable gain/offset amplifiers
> I'm looking for some amplifiers with adjustable gain (say 
> from 0 to 5) and offset (say +/- 5V) for general benchtop use 
> (e.g. you have some widget you want to test as a replacement, 
> but the original device had different input ranges, and 
> before you go redesign the rest of the circuit..) with at 
> least 10 MHz BW.
> SRS has something close (SIM983) but it's only 1 MHz BW..
> I'm thinking that someone might have run across it in the 
> nuclear instrumentation or experimental physics area? (I 
> looked through the Ortec NIM module listing, but nothing lept 
> out).  I've also run across the instrumentation amps used for 
> strain gages, but they're all in the few tens of kHz range.
> I'd like to avoid cobbling up something with some wideband 
> opamps and pots (which is what we've done in the past..).
> James Lux, P.E.
> Task Manager, SOMD Software Defined Radios Flight 
> Communications Systems Section Jet Propulsion Laboratory 4800 
> Oak Grove Drive, Mail Stop 161-213 Pasadena, CA, 91109
> +1(818)354-2075 phone
> +1(818)393-6875 fax
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