Like the Arduino/Atmel option..

Try a PIC16F877, 8 10bit A/D inputs, and serial (UART/MSSP) IO too.
(Have to admit, I can't remember if the serial IO will "knock out" any
of the A/D input pins.)

Prototype boards with RS232 drivers, Power reg, Xtal etc, from Olimex,
among others.

Free software development and programming tools widely available too.

Some people "get on" with PIC's, some do not.  Have to admit, I struggle
at times...

Conventional PIC's (12 and 16 series) are very much RISC in their
instruction set, the later 18 series are more suited to compiled high
level code, having a more "conventional" non paged address space.   Not
that there isn't a wealth of 'C' and even some Pascal compilers etc for
the 12 bit core devices.

I forget the exact part number, but there is at least one 18 series PIC
(I think there are several) that has built in USB device support, also
at least one with a network interface (but you still need the network IO
hardware) and a wealth of fast analogue IO facilities.   Someone on a
well known web auction site was flogging small boards pre programmed to
work as a crude 'scope.   The PC source code (VB) was available too.
Something very much like this: Item #280377761091  You know where to

Atmel's AVR series chips are good products too, likewise development
tools are widely available, and I believe the core CPU instruction set
(Mnemonics at least) resembles the old Intel 805x stuff?   So could be
somewhat easier for some of us older types to wrap the grey cell around.

Unless you have  burning desire to burn money with the commercial
instrument vendors, or you need something "Fast" (as in "I want it
NOW!")  I'm sure there are many more single chip MCU's out there that
will also do the job for you.  TI's MSP-430 series for example.

Covering all of these, take a look at the Olimex site:-
Select Development boards, and explore from there.  I'm sure you'll get
other ideas...  Their prices are good, and they ship fast.


Dave Baxter.

> -----Original Message-----
> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 30 Jul 2009 21:00:51 -0700
> From: Matt Ettus <>
> Subject: [time-nuts] Multiple Voltage monitoring
> To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
>       <>
> Message-ID:
>       <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Does anyone have a good solution for monitoring 4-8 different 
> voltages at the same time?  I only need a sample rate around 
> 1-2 Hz, but would need GPIB, serial, or ethernet support with 
> protocol documentation.
> Any help identifying a solution other than 8 voltmeters would 
> be much appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Matt
> ------------------------------
> Message: 6
> Date: Fri, 31 Jul 2009 04:49:53 +0000 (GMT)
> From: Flemming Larsen <>
> Subject: Re: [time-nuts] Multiple Voltage monitoring
> To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
>       <>
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
> A good application for the Sanguino board?
> ?
> ?
> ?
> -- FL
> ?
> >>
> >> DC, 0 to 6V, 10mV or better resolution.
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >> Matt
> >>
> >>

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