In a message dated 12/10/2009 10:02:14 GMT Daylight Time, writes:

My time  constant is set at 400 seconds which seems to have
considerably reduced the  size of the frequency excursions compared to the
default, and also reduced  the large excursions of the DAC voltage.

I must admit that I've generally tended to leave these as "they come out of 
 the box", perhaps it's time to be a bit more adventurous.
None of the five Thunderbolts that I've had on test at one time  or another 
have shown what I would consider very significant short term  frequency 
excursions once settled, just a few parts in 10^-11using a 1 second  gate time, 
if there was any noticeable improvement on that I'd be  hitting the 
unprocessed limits of my test gear anyway.
Lady H certainly shows a more dramatic picture though, perhaps  another 
ploy for extending her influence over the unwary and inflicting yet  more pain 
on the innocent:-)
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