Mere fast blow fuses aren't usually precise enough to protect transistors against over current unless one uses rather large transistors.
Overcurrent protected drivers are available and readily designed/built.
Protection against di/dt transients due to external events is also advisable.

Minimising the parts count isn't necessarily conducive to improved reliability when external hazards aren't taken into account.

Merely resonating the coil without other filtering doesnt necessarily lead to low EMI when driving it with a voltage waveform having high edge slew rates. Some edge filtering to control the current flowing in the load capacitance is also advisable.


Don Latham wrote:
fast blow fuse, resonate the coil to the pwm frequency. Parts count small,
tinkering in software instead of breathing lead fumes or whatever noxious
stuff the Europeans have forced us to use...

Bruce Griffiths
No protection against external shorts or other undesired events.
Extensive analog filtering to avoid creating an effective radiator of
noise may also be necessary.
Simple analog techniques are probably simpler/cheaper once the necessary
filtering and protection are included.


Don Latham wrote:
Hmmm lemme see. I think I'd use a 12 volt supply and two transistors
driven by two outputs on my Arduino,basic stamp,picaxe or other whizzie.
I'd then implement a PID controller essentially using the 1 sec pulse
the pendulum and the 1 sec pulse from my Rb, satellite receiver, crystal
clock, or whatever. The appropriate output pin will be brought to
and the other driven as a pdf with the rate given by the pid loop.
Temperature and even pressure corrections can be applied within the
software. External parts, minimum. Opportunity to play with tuning,

Bruce Griffiths

J. Forster wrote:

You are picking very unimportant nits.

If there were a small noise spike from the opamp, it'd goose the
a tiny amount. That would be corrected on the next swing.

Heuristic analysis of this type is counter productive.

You are turning a trip to the corner store into an Apollo Moon

Reliability is paramount in a circuit that may be required to work for

BTW, since the =drive does not to be bipolar, one of the NPN and PNP
transistors can be deleted. They never turn on. So you are left with
opamsa, =each with a simple emitter follower.

The original request was for a bipolar drive.
The lack of short circuit protection is poor design practice when
driving an external load.




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