Mine exhibts simialar beahviour.   I was able to reduce behaviour this by 
setting the elevation mask to 35 degrees and increasing the amu to 5.5 or so.  
I also re ran the self survey with the revised amu and elevation settings.   I 
have also noticed jumps in temperature at some times when new sattelites are 
acquired.  I'm wondering if this causes a spike in cpu activity which causes 
the cpu to heat up.  This is typically only noticeable when the temperature is 
fairly stable.  Sorry for the lack of specifics I'm on the road right now and 
sending from a pda.

On Wed Nov 17th, 2010 11:21 AM EST Geraldo Lino de Campos wrote:

>I have a thunderbolt acquired from TAPR. Almost every time the number of
>satellites change, there is an abrupt change in the DAC voltage – as high as
>1 mv, sometimes. See
>- a graph with time constant 200 and Damping 4. Using much higher values
>improve the situation, as can be seen in
>www.decampos.net\LH\LH2.png<http://www.decampos.net/LH/LH2.png>, time
>constant 1000 and damping 100 (note the change in the DAC scale), but
>the jumps are still present.
>Is this normal, or I have a defective unit?
>The antenna is located in a window, with several buildings nearby, so the
>change in the number of satellites is frequent.
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