>Is this normal, or do I have a defective unit?

It is normal for a defaul Tbolt, with any (or all)  of the following:

a poor antenna, 
a poor sky view, 
a poor location survey
a poor elevation mask setting
a poor Sat Level setting
a poor TC setting
A poor Sat cable

ALL need to to be corrected to make it lots better.
Lady Heather has all the tools to find which ones are effecting you, But I 
could not see your plots.
If you want more information, post a LH log file and how/where I can view your 

Have fun

ps damping should remain at about 1.0

[time-nuts] Do I have a defective thunderbolt?
Geraldo Lino de Campos geraldo at 
Wed Nov 17 16:21:20 UTC 2010 

I have a thunderbolt acquired from TAPR. Almost every time the number of
satellites change, there is an abrupt change in the DAC voltage - as high as
1 mv, sometimes. See\LH\LH1<>.png
- a graph with time constant 200 and Damping 4. Using much higher values
improve the situation, as can be seen in\LH\LH2.png<>, time
constant 1000 and damping 100 (note the change in the DAC scale), but
the jumps are still present.

Is this normal, or I have a defective unit?

The antenna is located in a window, with several buildings nearby, so the
change in the number of satellites is frequent.
geraldo at
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