In a message dated 10/12/2010 16:17:29 GMT Standard Time, writes:

why  isn`t please, with respect to all working persones, the "DJVU-Formating
"  better as all experiments to reduce some from datavolume? Regularly  it
needs only ~10%-20% memory as pdf-files...

Djvu does generate much smaller files, and at one time I was promoting it  
just because of that, but that's about the only advantage it offers.
It's a shame, because it did seem to promise great things to start  with 
and looked as though it might become a viable alternative to Acrobat  but it's 
never really progressed beyond those early beginnings and, in  every other 
respect other than file size, Acrobat totally wipes the floor with  it.
Whoops, drifting even further off topic here, apologies for that and back  
to lurking:-)
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