Press Release

October 2008

Data Professionals of Pleasanton California has purchased the Copyrights and existing inventory of all legacy Heathkit product documentation from Heath Company of Benton Harbor Michigan for an undisclosed amount. The new company will make copies of the original legacy manuals available to the marketplace via its web site and through eBay and PayPal.

-Chuck Harris

WB6BNQ wrote:

Really ?  Which little ham company is that ?


Chuck Harris wrote:

You obviously haven't come across all of the Adobe acrobat OCR'd manuals
on logsa.  They are amazingly unusable.  The OCR program gets way off
kilter, and makes a mess of large sections of the manuals... and unfortunately,
nobody has the resources to proofread the results.

Don't waste your time on the Heathkit manual.  The license to reproduce the
manuals was bought up by some little ham company, and they are very inclined
to chase down any heathkit manuals on the internet, and serve the hosting site
with a take down notice.  The only thing you are "allowed" to put on the net is 

-Chuck Harris

Chris Albertson wrote:
The best thing you can do after you scan a manual is run it through OCR.
If you have Acrobat then you have one of the best OCR systems around.
This dramatically improves the readabilty and crispness of the text and
at the same time makes the document much smaller and also it makes
it searchable.     It does require a bit of time because you have to check
the quality of the OCR.  But it mostly works well.  I'm working on a Heatkit
manual I have but is not yet available on-line.  It will be OCR'd.

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