The situation I was in at the time I experienced this was while making radio station signal strength measurements from an associate's vehicle. We were using my laptop with Delorme's Topo USA 7.0 runign Quad maps and at the same time running a Garmin GPS128 system to confirm bearing and distance from the transmitter.

I had heard about mutual interference but had never actually had it happen. In this case we were both having trouble staying locked. Turning either one of the systems off allowed the other one to quickly lock and display in DGPS. Turning the other system back on caused the other one to have severe drop-outs. We were finally able to resolve the problem by placing the two antennas on opposite sides of the vehicle.

I'm not sure of the nature of the two receivers, but using conventional receiver design thinking, the only thing that comes to mind that might be radiating would be the oscillators or possibly the I.F. section taling to each other. The antennas were originally about a foot or two apart so I can't imagine that any first RF tuned stages could be acting as "Suck-Out Filters" causing a notch to the other and I can imagine either one re-radiating enough of the bird's signal to be any problem.

Burt, K6OQK.

Subject: Re: [time-nuts] GPS Antenna -Receiver Mutual Interference...

Content-Type: text/plain

The additional advantage is to give you diversity and some immunity against multipath (at least it reduces the probability that both receivers will be affected at the same time due to weird constellation issues or local interference).

But it now creates an issue which is how do you know who is right when both receivers don't agree...

Didier KO4BB

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-----Original Message-----
From: "Rob Kimberley" <>
Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2011 15:59:24
To: 'Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement'<>
Reply-To: Discussion of precise time and frequency measurement
Subject: Re: [time-nuts] GPS Antenna -Receiver Mutual Interference...

Yes, I've seen this. On installations in the past, when we were putting up
dual GPS systems, we always put them at least 10 metres apart. What is
actually best practice, is to put one at one end of building and the other
one at the other end.

Rob Kimberley

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Mark J. Blair

Subject: Re: [time-nuts] GPS Antenna -Receiver Mutual Interference...

On Dec 30, 2010, at 6:53 PM, Burt I. Weiner wrote:
> Has anyone run into a situation where two GPS Navigation type
Antenna/Receivers interfere with each other?

It's possible that LO leakage from one is jamming the other. When doing
mobile GPS receiver testing at work with a single antenna feeding multiple
receivers through a splitter, we sometimes had to insert attenuators in each
receiver's antenna feed to keep them from jamming each other.

Mark J. Blair, NF6X <>

Burt I. Weiner Associates
Broadcast Technical Services
Glendale, California  U.S.A.

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