At 05:54 PM 2/3/2011, gary wrote...
It only take a little radio knowledge to realize how stupid much of what the FCC approves. The FCC raison d'etre is to prevent interference.

I don't see any reason for people to get all excited. GPS is fundamentally a military system, and has very significant visibility, being used by _many_ more people than will use the Lightsquared system - civilian, commercial and governmental in addition to military. If, upon initial deployment, real world interference is an issue, Lightsquared will be shut down quickly. There's simply much more inertia, money, and constituency behind GPS than Lightsquared.

I asked before if anyone knew the timing requirements for LTE, which is the technology this is based on. If it requires synchronized timing like CDMA, then Lightspeed would be shooting themselves in the foot if they were unable to use GPS based timing within their system.

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