It is more a matter about that the involved technology could be ITAR
classified or with other export restrictions. Ask Hughes and Boeing
about the fine for export control violations in Intelsat 708 :)

I think most people who work with rockets with guidance systems (aka defense articles) are pretty well versed in export controls. As are people who sell equipment that winds up on such rockets.

Doesn't mean there are spectacular lapses, but it's pretty tough these days to claim "I didn't know".

And there's always some hair splitting at the edges: pulsed vs CW TWTAs, for instance, or atomic clocks vs "Space Qualified" atomic clocks, or "radiation hard" (There's a remarkable number of ICs which are described as radiation tolerant to 100-300kRad, made on processes that should be hard to MegaRads.)

Heck, every time I buy parts at home, it seems the packing slip always has some sort of generic "these parts may be subject to export controls" notice on it. Yep.. those 10Meg resistors just might be a vital piece of an armament...

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