A conjugate regenerative divider with 2 parallel (16MHz & 10MHz) low Q bandpass filters should suffice.


Peter Loron wrote:
I can't speak for anybody else on the list, but if there was an inexpensive converter to get a good stable 10MHz signal from one of the cheap 26MHz OCXOs, I'd sure be interested in building/buying one.


On 04/06/2011 06:23 PM, Greg Broburg wrote:
Hi Pete;

I bought 10 of these from you already. Im working on
a converter that has 26M00 Hz in to 10M00 Hz out.
Not sure if that is of any interest but Im putting it on
the table.


On 4/6/2011 3:56 PM, Peter Loron wrote:
Hello, folks. I'm the seller of the 26MHz OCXOs. Please reply off list if you are interested in some. Thanks.


On 04/06/2011 08:58 AM, Oz-in-DFW wrote:
Who is the seller?

On 3/28/2011 1:40 PM, beale wrote:
Just FYI, I'm not sure how this compares to other similar parts, but I'm seeing about +/- 1 ppb (1E-9) frequency drift per 24 hour period from one sample of the Pletronics OHM40480526, which I've had running for about 10 days now. It runs on +5V and after a warmup current of 250 mA for a few seconds, it draws about 60 mA steady state at room temperature. I'm driving the tuning voltage on pin 1 from a separate +5V reference to avoid variations due to heater current shifts. I use a simple resistive trimpot divider to set the voltage, this is not a GPSDO (yet :-).

I'm sure most on this list have more refined tastes in oscillators than this one (and probably want 10 MHz instead of 26 MHz), but I thought it noteworthy because it is so cheap. These parts are currently available online for $2 each. I'm not affiliated with the seller.

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