
Running the transformer that way won't burn it up at that instant, it just
causes it to run hotter, because it's closer to saturation, and it shortens
the life span a good bit. A lot of the new ones now being made, are wound
to run on either frequency (wound for just under 50 Hz), so they can export
them internationally.



*********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********

On 6/27/2011 at 3:39 PM Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:

>In message <4e086d33.6040...@ozindfw.net>, Oz-in-DFW writes:
>>On 6/24/2011 9:20 PM, Will Matney wrote:
>>> However, I should have
>>> said, one should never run a 60 Hz transformer, or motor, on the same
>>> voltage it was rated for at a lower 50 Hz.
>>Most modern commodity transformers for electronic power supplies are
>>specified for rated performance from 47 to 63 Hz.
>The only thing I know of, apart from clocks, that you should not run
>on the wrong frequency are oldfashioned mechanical shavers.
>If it has a motor you're fine, but if it just has a magnet and a
>coil and relies on mechanical resonance: don't even think about it.
>Anything else:  Just plug it in, after you checked the 110/200 V setting.
>Poul-Henning Kamp       | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
>p...@freebsd.org         | TCP/IP since RFC 956
>FreeBSD committer       | BSD since 4.3-tahoe    
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