Hi Anders:

I need something to give 2.048 MHz from a 10 MHz source, and have not
too aggressively tried to find a way; have followed with interest many
suggestions from TN's.  I found a company called Vectron that makes,
ostensibly, very nice frequency translators, with an fin and an fout,
with reasonable phase noise characteristics (?), the data sheets are
available and intriguing, but I spent an hour or more trying to find a
way to actually buy one.

<begin rant>
Vectron, as do many electronics companies, follows a 19th century
marketing plan, with jobbers, distributors, retailers in a long chain of
non-stocking, non-responsive entities. The spec sheets are there to
drool over, and beautiful multicolor full page ads in marketing mags,
but the actual product is like the mystery element nonobtanium...
More modern companies, e.g. Analog Devices, will allow you to buy online
from the factory, for which very much thanks, but I find that the latest
wunderchip, which will apparently do exactly what I require, is usually
labeled with "contact your distributor"
Translated, this phrase means <If you want to consider buying 1,000,000
of these, we'll really make them. Otherwise, forget it.>
I have found this state of affairs true for nearly forty years.
If, as a very small business, or a hobbyist, you can't do it with a
handful of 7400's and 555's, or currently an Arduino :-), forget it.
plus ca change, plus ca mem chose'
<end rant>

Anders Time
> Thanks a lot for the input.
> You guys gave me a lot of ideas to work from.
> The oscillator is an old 10MHz OCXO BVA(electrodeless quartz crystal)
> from
> "BVA Industries" with one second allan 1e-13 and -125dBc at 1Hz. So i
> want
> to do my best to keep that stability as good as possible at the other
> needed
> frequencies(19.2MHz and 26MHz).
> Thanks
> Anders
> On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 1:33 PM, Anders Time <anderst...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I want go generate a stable 26MHz and 19.2MHz signal with stability in
>> the 1E-13 range at 1s from my 10MHz BVA.
>> Have been thinking about dividing the signals down to 1MHz and 100kHz
>> and PLL (50Hz BW or so) a reasonable stable 26MHz and 19.2MHz OCXO to
>> that signal. But I'm worried that the division will generate noise so
>> it will not be stable enough?
>> Have also been thinking about using a DDS to the 26MHz and 19.2MHz and
>> then pll, but the DDS subject seems to bee very difficult to get a
>> grip on. Is it possible to generate a signal with that kind of
>> stability in the 1s range?
>> Thanks
>> Anders
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"Neither the voice of authority nor the weight of reason and argument
are as significant as experiment, for thence comes quiet to the mind."
R. Bacon
"If you don't know what it is, don't poke it."
Ghost in the Shell

Dr. Don Latham AJ7LL
Six Mile Systems LLP
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POB 134
Huson, MT, 59846
VOX 406-626-4304

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