Here's topic that I hope will provoke some useful discussion (and maybe the problem has already been solved?)

I'm working with a software defined radio (SDR) for spacecraft which conforms to a new architecture standard for such radios ( referred to as STRS) (and I'm also one of the authors of the standard, so I really do have to eat my own dogfood)

The standard currently defines a "time API" with some simple features to set and get time, nominally defined in terms of a transformation from some base clock (i.e. there's a default transformation of the form reported time = k1 * raw clock + k2). In the current standard, "time" is carried around as 32 bit seconds + 32 bit nanoseconds (which is, at least familiar to most people, being similar to POSIX seconds + microseconds from gettimeofday())

A radio might have multiple oscillators/clocks (clock defined as oscillator and counter), with different stabilities and rates. There is typically hardware that allows taking a "snapshot" of one raw clock based on another (i.e. I could have a 66MHz clock divided by 66E6 that latches another 49 MHz clock). In some cases, the base oscillator of the clock or trigger event is a received radio signal (GPS 1pps or PN code epochs are one example. Internally derived carrier frequency offset of a received signal is another)

In the following discussion, I've used "raw clock" to mean base oscillator +counter, and "time" to mean a number in some desired units that can be derived from a raw clock.

Most of what I discuss below has been covered one way or another in the literature and on this list, but now I'm faced with putting it all into some form of "recommended practice" or defining an API. To the maximum extent possible, I'd love to adopt what people currently use (or what people WISH would be used).

Here's what I'm looking for help, discussion, comments on.

1) I see the basic architectural model as having a base oscillator/counter (raw clock) followed by some "transformation" which gives you a time. "Setting the time" is really defining some parameter of that transformation. What sort of standards are there for defining the form of that transformation? Obviously, there's the straightforward polynomial, perhaps with some scaling factors to make the coefficients "better conditioned" (e.g. if I want "seconds" out, and I've got 66MHz ticks in, there's all those 66E6 factors running around). What other scheme might there be?

2) There is usually a need to have the output time synchronized to some external source of "time" and that external source may be of poorer quality than your internal oscillators. For example, I may have an atomic standard in my box, but I need to report time in terms of what I'm given by the spacecraft, which has a non-temperature compensated crystal that cyclically varies by 100ppm over a 100 minute time span. So my transformation needs to be adjusted all the time in response to (presumably) a series of "at the tone, the time is" hacks from my host. (imagine this as keeping the display on your cesium clock synchronized to the wind up alarm clock next to your bed)

Is there a standard description of how to do this, or the framework within which it should be done? This is sort of like NTP (or PTP), but they tend to assume that the source of time hacks is better than the local clock.

3) For most applications, the "output time" needs to be continuous and, usually, monotonic, even in the face of rate and offset adjustments. What standard schemes are there for transitioning from one set of transformation parameters to another? In my current implementation, we have defined the transformation as a polynomial, and a transition is defined as a time (in the future) and a new set of polynomial coefficients. When you ask for "time", if it's before the transition, you use the old set and if it's after, you use the new set. If you pick the coefficients and time correctly, you can get a seamless change (continuous to whatever order you want, as long as you have enough terms in the polynomial... sort of like cubic splines). Is some sort of piecewise linear/cubic spline scheme what we really want to do? Or is there a better way?

4) The operation of synchronizing a second time to a first time can be described as adjusting the transformation parameters of a second clock+transformation so that the output matches the output of a first clock+transformation. (no reason why the two clocks couldn't happen to be the same underlying clock, in which case it's trivially transformation2=transformation1) Is this a good definition?

5) What's a good way to report the uncertainty or error of a "time" (or the underlying raw clock or base oscillator)? I'm looking for an implementation or basis of an API here. It should accommodate some way to deal with statistical properties. At the simplest, one could report a instantaneous standard deviation/uncertainty or a bounding max/min error. I can imagine more complex ones. If one thinks of the polynomial transformation described above, each of the terms of the polynomial might have an uncertainty associated with it. You might be real sure of the fixed offset at an instant (at the tone, as it were), but the rate estimate might have some uncertainty, so the overall time uncertainty grows, the farther you get from the instant. One might also have "perfect" knowledge of the coefficients, but the underlying oscillator has some uncertainty, so the time derived from that oscillator has an uncertainty.

When it gets to actual implementation, is there any standardized way to do this (e.g. report timing uncertainty as a double precision fractional uncertainty, or as a 32 bit picoseconds, or what?). There are techniques defined in various time protocols, but they tend to be tied to the underlying implementation, so is there a more generalized approach that could be proposed?

Here's looking to an interesting discussion...


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