On 02/10/2012 12:22 AM, Javier Herrero wrote:
El 10/02/2012 00:13, Javier Herrero escribió:
El 09/02/2012 22:28, Magnus Danielson escribió:

Consider that it is de-modulated and then low-pass filtered.

Also, it is the alternating rate and not 1400 Hz difference in DDS
setting which is the key parameter here. The 1400 Hz gives a hint of
the Q-value however, which seems to be lower on these than on any of
my larger rubidiums, but it is maybe to be expected.
Yes, you're right... I was thinking on the alternating rate (that in
fact I measured, at 416.6666..Hz, but the other number came first ;)
), and in the fact that the FRS, that uses 127Hz as alternating rate,
has notorious spurs at 127 and 254Hz (al at a lot of their harmonics),
so I was expecting someting similar for the FE5680A at 416.6666Hz and
harmonics, but seems not to be there (or the spur forest makes not
easy to see these trees :) )

I answer myself. Perhaps they are there quite notoriously, since in the
spectra plots that I took when I got mine, now it is clear why there are
two peaks at around -70/-75dBc at somewher that seems very near
+/-416.7Hz: http://www.nebulosa.org/images/FE5680A/FE5680A4.jpg Probably
in the phase noise plot they are masked by all the phase noise floor and
other spurii that are not so apparent in a quick measurement with the
spectrum analyzer

All being as expected then.

I think we can focus on tracing the DDS spurs as injected through another path. Could be lack of isolation of the 60 MHz crystal oscillator from the rest of the design, or it creeps onto the 10 MHz in the CPLD, or just plains sneaks in on the output buffer, possibly via the power lines.


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