On Mar 10, 2012, at 7:12 AM, Adrian wrote:
> just wondering if anyone has tried the new Agilent 53230A counter?

I like it quite a bit. The YouTube videos by Agilent 
do a fair job showing the instrument and are worth a 
few minutes if you are interested. Using TimeLab with 
John's new TCP/IP support  for the 53230A makes some 
of the built-in logging and statistical functions less 
important  unless you want to use some of the 53230A's 
advanced features such as its zero dead-time modes.

I measured a residual of 3E-11 ADEV @ 1sec using a 
non-optimum setup of TimeLab in the frequency measurement 
mode measuring a 10 MHz Thunderbolt signal from a TSC 
distribution amp as input 1 with another output from the 
TSC supplying the Ext Ref. I get a STDDEV of 8 ps measuring
delay through 3 feet of RG-223 cable.

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