Adrian wrote:
> Hello,
> just wondering if anyone has tried the new Agilent 53230A counter?

Disclaimer:  I work for Agilent and I get a "discount" on the counter :-)

It has a nice user interface (way better than the previous
generation that is now 20 years old) and a handy data logging function
to a memory stick that you plug into the front panel.  Allan deviation
is built in.  That's the good stuff.

The bad stuff:  don't waste your money on the fancy time base.
It is NOT a 10811 and doesn't compare stability wise.  What I
had to do was use the 10811 in my HP8662 as a time base.

With the 10811, the counter is quite good for measuring Allan deviation.
The most rigorous test I can run on it is to compare two 10811's.
The result seems to be commensurate with the 10811 noise, without
much contamination from the counter.

Rick Karlquist N6RK

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