I agree that you can't inspect quality into a system, but it is far to easy to 'not inspect' quality right out of the system. Some of the new 'buzz-word' systems (TQM,6 sigma, etc.) seem to want everyone to be their own QA inspector to lessen the involvement of independent QA. I find that no matter how careful I inspect my own work, just knowing someone else will be looking over it makes me do a better job.


On 3/31/2012 11:23 AM, J. Forster wrote:
Frankly, I'm a bit surprised at the connector problem. Much of High Energy
instrumentation uses LEMO connectors, which have a definite "click" when
mated. They are not like BNCs which can be mated, without locking.


As to my point about inspecting in quality, look at the (crummy) attached

The leads to CR5 (a photocell) just to the left of the ceramic IC have
NEVER been soldered or clipped. Yet, this 5519A Laser Interferometer head
was built by HP, inspected by HP, tested by HP, and sold to a ciustomer by
HP as part of a>$60,000 system.

I rest my case. You simply cannot inspect in quality.



Jim Lux wrote:

And we do things like stake connectors with epoxy, just in case.  Serves
two purposes:
1) a second independent look at the connector (after the first guy went
through and tightened it with the torque wrench with the QA guy watching)
2) if, for some reason, there was a problem with #1 (maybe the torque
wrench had an issue, or the QA guy sneezed and looked away, or...), at
least the connector won't back off with vibration.

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