On Tue, 05 Jun 2012 13:48:17 -0400
Michael Tharp <g...@partiallystapled.com> wrote:

> Disclaimer: I know very little about actually implementing a GPS 
> receiver, and about RF in general, but I know a cool project when I see 
> one and this has a lot of the elements needed for a fully open-source 
> timing receiver. Looking forward to further developments, and if there's 
> another list you're more active on do let me know.

Get yourself a copy of "A software defined GPS and Galileo Receiver"
by Borre et. al.[1] It explains how GPS signals are structured,
received and decoded in a quite simple language. It is nearly a 
step by step receip on how to build a complete receiver.

                        Attila Kinali

[1] http://www.springerlink.com/content/w5151k87k3043l63/

Why does it take years to find the answers to
the questions one should have asked long ago?

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