My 2.5nS TIC? Very simple: a 400MHz counter start-stop gated with the two
signal to compare. I have published here the VHDL code for it few months
ago. Really nothing new but simple and useful for a 35-40nS GPSDO PPS
output from an OCXO. The Rb PPS wondering is actually under evaluation
against the Z3815A.

On Sat, Sep 15, 2012 at 12:08 AM, Hal Murray <>wrote:

> said:
> > Michael: Actually implementing a 16 bit DAC to its 1-bit minimum
> resolution
> > will be headache enough. You will gain a real education in good grounding
> > practice, shielding, power supply stability and noise, and other Murphy
> > intrusion. A 32 bit DAC IMHO, is impossible, and that's the name of that
> > tune.
> The trick for this application is that you don't need full accuracy over
> the
> full range of the DAC.  All you need is roughly linear and stable around
> the
> operating point.  The PLL will take care of any offset.  Any gain error is
> just a minor change to the overall gain.
> This thread started with "16 bit PWM DAC".  I think that matches the
> requirements.
> I would expect a problem area would be filtering the PWM output.  Anything
> you don't filter out will turn into close in spikes.  It might be fun to
> try
> to measure them.
> 64K/72 MHz is about 1 ms.   32bits at 72 MHz is 60 seconds.
> Has anybody compared DDS style DACs with PWM?  The idea is to spread the
> pulses out to make the filtering easier.  Instead of 1111100000, you would
> get to work with 1010101010
> --
> These are my opinions.  I hate spam.
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