
The real answer is that you don't need anything near 32 bits. Anything with a 
<1.0x10^-13 AVAR isn't going to have much of a tuning range on the EFC. 22 bits 
will do just fine for a 1 ppm EFC range part with 1.0 x10^-12 at 1 second. With 
that sort of sensitivity you will have a *very* hard time getting the voltage 
into the OCXO without a gotcha right at the terminals, unless the unit has a 
fully isolated EFC input. That rules out roughly 99.99% of all OCXO's.


On Sep 15, 2012, at 3:12 PM, Poul-Henning Kamp <p...@phk.freebsd.dk> wrote:

> In message <437c6604-20a5-4e05-be99-9e26b01d8...@rtty.us>, Bob Camp writes:
>> If indeed 32 bits matters, then instability at the 32 bit level will show up.
>> [...]
>> No free lunch
> Absolutely agree there.
> My point was merely that the requirements for the DAC after a
> software-PLL are very narrow and specific, compared the the quality
> metrics of DAC's in general, and that low cost methods are available
> to meet those needs, so there is no need to spend a fortune on a
> general X bit DAC, if cheaper special purpose one will do.
> One of the advantages of the charge-transfer DAC concept is that
> there is only thermal noise for a stable output, there is no reference
> voltage which can suffer from tempco or noise bleed-through.
> You'll have the tempco of your integration capacitor to deal with,
> but already around 16-20 bits you will be ovenizing everything anyway.
> The noise on EFC voltage changes can be given an almost arbitrary high
> frequency spectrum which will filter out long before it reaches the
> EFC input of the OCXO or Rb.
> In steady state, my experiment fired a single 40nsec pulse every
> some seconds, and I never managed to detect these pulses on the
> output of the voltage follower, because the integration capacitor
> is a glorified low-pass filter.
> Even at high update rates, it would be possible to use a PRNG to
> spread out the spectrum of the update noise.
> -- 
> Poul-Henning Kamp       | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
> p...@freebsd.org         | TCP/IP since RFC 956
> FreeBSD committer       | BSD since 4.3-tahoe    
> Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.
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