Found the data on the splitters:

My recollection was a bit off -- we saw about 22ns on the two-port 58535a and 
about 15ns on the 8-port 58517A.  I would guess the 4-port unit would be 

Unfortunately, I haven't been in a position to try to measure the delay through 
an antenna.

On Sep 30, 2012, at 2:51 AM, Christopher Brown <> wrote:

> Assuming it does not snow again, should finish the cabling to the new
> rooftop tripod and switch to the new antenna and splitter tomorrow.
> For the LMR400 main run and jumpers is simple enough, will just measure.
> That leaves the antenna and splitter, both have and amp and bandpass
> filter and I am assuming a combined delay that is likely greater than
> the cable delay given the short runs.
> Nothing is listed in the datasheets, but they are the semi-marketing
> sheets (only a couple pages) rather than a proper datasheet.
> Anyone know what the delay for this amp and splitter is?  Or better yet
> a delay v.s. temp plot?
> Thanks
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