Continuing from previous posting...

> Still, there are always a number of talks of more general interest to us time 
> nuts.
> In the next few postings I'll give more details on a couple of topics:

- Neutrino time-of-flight update

Last years' faster-than-light neutrino fiasco is now old news, but I think many 
of us were curious how other neutrino experiments around the world would react. 
Not surprisingly, they all got very serious about precision timing! As one 
presenter mentioned, purchase orders for high-end timing gear were suddenly 
approved with remarkable ease.

There were a total of 6 talks by people working with neutrino experiments. From 
what I could tell (having done similar work at home) they totally have their 
act together now. NIST and USNO were involved with MINOS, the local US effort 
(neutrinos from FermiLab to the Soudan mine in Minnesota), both in providing 
gear (high-end dual-frequency or post-processed GPS receivers and local cesium 
clocks) to absolute calibration using TWSTFT (two way satellite time & 
frequency transfer).

One talk covered the challenge of measuring distance (presumably there are 
survey-nuts as well as time-nuts). You think measuring nanoseconds is hard 
until you hear what it takes to measure distance, including down an opaque 
slanted mineshaft, and get a final number like 734,286.554 meters!

While PTTI normally concerns itself with national timing laboratories, it was 
nice to see a whole new community (neutrino physics) get involved in the 
practical world of nanosecond timing.

- UTCr/Rapid UTC

Some of you know that TAI/UTC is computed from a monthly average of hundreds of 
atomic clocks around the world. Given the recent improvement in clock 
performance, intercontinental comparison techniques, and automated 
communications (internet), BIPM started a pilot program this year to generate a 
more responsive and fully automated "UTC". One problem with UTC is that 
physical measurements of, and virtual corrections to, contributing clocks 
occurs only once a month. This means that your national lab might drift a few 
ns before being told it is drifting.

Those of you who have built your own GPSDO or explored time constants can 
relate. So UTCr is an experiment where labs report *daily* and results are 
computed *weekly* based on a *monthly* moving average, or something like that. 
I had not heard about this before, but if you google for words like "Rapid UTC" 
UTCr BIPM you can learn more. The whole subject of time scales is deep and 

- USNO rubidium fountains

While many national labs have developed cesium fountains (for accuracy), USNO 
has been gradually building rubidium fountain clocks (for stability) and 4 of 
them are now fully operational. The ADEV of these clocks gets well under 1e-16. 
The paper will have all the details but the note I made was that with 20 months 
of data, the stability was near 5e-17 at tau 4 months. That's 100x better than 
a commercial cesium standard; better than all of USNO's other 70 cesium clocks 
and 15 H-masers combined. Yes, I've added "rubidium fountain" to my automated 
eBay searches.

Like always, each of the Rb clocks is a little different. You measure this not 
by using an external reference (since no better clock is available) but by 
using the 3-cornered hat technique where you compare clock i against the mean 
of N clocks.

- WWVB/Xtendwave

This presentation was similar to the one made last year. From the talk, and 
discussions afterwards, it's clear good progress is being made. As of October 
29, 2012 the extended WWVB format is now default, but reception tests are 
continuing, and the format perhaps slightly tweaked. A prototype receiver was 
shown in a shoebox. I did not get to see inside.

My guess is that by next year we'll see real hardware and a final spec. I 
suggested the time-nuts community might be willing to test the new receivers 
when they are available. Contact me off-list if you want to help. I can't 
promise anything, but I know that NIST/Xtendwave have embarked on a project 
that will greatly improve reception quality and totally solve the DST 
announcement problems. I also believe that a passion-driven, no-cost, 
geographically-diverse set of time nuts can help make this a well-tuned success.

They also mentioned another cool feature being developed -- a high-rate 
modulation where, reception permitting, the entire 60 bit message is encoded 
into a single 1-second frame.

- Loran/UrsaNav

Not sure what to say about this presentation. Apparently this company got the 
rights to the US Loran transmitters(?) and plans to use them to provide an 
alternative source of precise time, for example, to the telecom community. CW 
instead of very low duty cycle Loran pulses would improve S/N and timing 
accuracy. You can probably read more about it on their web site. Any additional 
source of precise time is probably a good thing -- when NTP, WWVB, GPS, and 
your local atomic clock fails. But the presentation raised more questions than 
answers. I look forward to reading the paper.

I'll finish up in the next posting.


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